Improving your photos

Making good images consistently obviously involves mastering many technical and artistic elements of photography. Nevertheless, sometimes applying a few principles can improve your photos a long way. Here are some simple hints and links that can help you handling some of the compositional issues. Read the links — I’m just summarizing the hints on this page: Nikonians First, at the Nikonians Composition 101, the following “tricks” are listed Center is not better Step closer Switch perspective Leave lead room Take three shots Next, on the same site, for landscape work, the following list is mentioned:...

May 22, 2007 · Per

Macro shot or Danish Palm Trees…

… ok, in case you don’t know: There aren’t terribly many palm trees living natively in Denmark, and this is probably as close as you get to such a thing — with “close” here of course having a subtle dual-meaning, since it is a macro shot 😉 It may be a slightly unusual macro shot, but it is depicting a leaf on an oak tree in our garden, just about to unfold, with the setting sun in the background....

May 11, 2007 · Per

Ensuring proper skin tones (Photoshop)

Most people don’t like seeing themselves having too red, or especially magenta, skin tones. However, this easily happens, and the typical technical causes are either improper white balance, some sensor hypersensitivity at IR wavelengths, or possibly post processing trying to increase the saturation (”Velvia look”). When is it not right? But when is the red or magenta too much? Turns out there are easy rules in the CMYK colour space....

April 13, 2007 · Per

RSP Profiles

Welcome to my RSP profiles page Click here to download profile Introduction This page contains profiles for use with a D70 in Raw Shooter Premium 2006 from The reason for this profile is to make untweaked pictures from RSP look more like the out-of-camera JPEGs (in mode Ia). It has been created by Per Baekgaard (baekgaard at-sign b4net the-dot dk, using argyll ( and various custom made software pieces and small tweaks, and dozens of test shots of IT8 targets (from Wolf Faust, http://www....

April 13, 2007 · Per

Making green really green (Photoshop)

One photoshop tip that I tend to forget from time to time is from Dan Margulis, and have appeared on the colortheory mailing list. Here it is, copied verbatim from Dan’s mail and also accesible via the mail list archive. BTW, do buy and read Dan’s books if you’re into colour theory. They are really excellent, and will keep you busy for days… Folks, Since finishing PP5E, I’ve been putting together some of my own photo albums so that my wife and I can remember some of the interesting places we’ve been over the years....

April 13, 2007 · Per

Portrait Lighting

Introduction I wrote the following at a time when I was struggling to find a good and coherent lighting overview. The information below is probably still valid… but there is a better and more coherent alternative, which I’m going to recommend you. Get this book: Light – Science and Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting (3rd ed), by Fil Hunter, Steven Biver and Paul Fuqua. It is probably the only book you will ever need on lighting....

April 13, 2007 · Per

Spring is here…

After a rather short vinter, spring seems to be approaching — at least here in Denmark, where the temperatures approached 14C yesterday. A rather big differenced compared to the very windy -10C I experienced last week in Manhattan, but more in line with the temperatures here in Southern France, where I am right now. And with spring, flowers start appearing in the our lawn. One of them is depicted here. Even though macro photographs are probably best done with a macro optics, the one depicted here shows that very sharp results can be done with less dedicated equipment....

March 16, 2007 · Per

Shallow DOF

Using a shallow DOF can create an interesting effect, as it attracts attention to the parts in focus. I have often used this effect, shooting at f/2.8 or f/4 with my 85mm f/1.8, but I decided to try out an even more extreme version: shooting wide open on my 50mm f/1.4. The 50mm f/1.8 isn’t that interesting wide open as the drop in contrast is rather pronounced, and it needs to be stopped down a little to be sharp enough for most use....

February 3, 2007 · Per

Japanese culture

Having just arrived back to Europe from a business trip to Tokyo, Japan, it once again striked me how cultural differences has a big impact on our behaviour and perception. In general, I find Japanese people very friendly and I like travelling in Japan. Usually when going somewhere, I often grab a Latte at the nearest Starbucks (possibly a Venti with an extra shot, making it a quad-shot), and this time was no exception....

February 1, 2007 · Per

Billeder af musikskolens lærere

Portrætbillederne af musikskolens lærere er nu tilgængelige online, og kan findes ved at klikke her. De ligger både usorteret og i et sæt med ét billede af hver, som jeg synes er det bedste. Hvis nogle af jer ikke er enige, så send mig blot en mail (se nedenfor). Bemærk at man kan se billederne som et “slideshow” ved at klikke på knappen i øverste højre hjørne — men det er også muligt at bladre frem og tilbage selv med f....

January 12, 2007 · Per