MythTV på en Asrock ION platform

Opdatering: Guiden nedenfor er baseret på en ældre version af Mythbuntu og en ikke helt ny Asrock platform… Der er også nyere guides at finde på Open Company’s sider her, og det vil nok være en fordel at starte der! Mythbuntu på en Shuttle PC. Test af samme guide. Samme guide på Open Company’s sider. Nedenfor følger en vejledning i opsætning af MythTV på en Asrock ION platform (ION 330 HT)....

April 27, 2010 · Per

White seamless

Making white really white is not always easy. Or, to be more precise, shooting on a white seamless background, trying both to make it truly white and at the same time getting the foreground correctly exposed, is a delicate balance. If you underexpose the background, it will not be white and there will be a lot of photoshop’ing needed. If you overexpose it, you will probably have a lot of flare and reduced contrast and also quite some photoshop’ing to be done…...

March 20, 2010 · Per

Maria og Kaspers bryllup/Fresco billeder

Hvis du er kommet her fordi du leder efter billeder af Maria og Kasper’s hyggelige aftenbryllup i Roskilde Baptistkirke, så klik her. Hvis du leder efter billeder af Fresco, og ikke kun vil se det bedste billede, så kan du både finde et mindre udvalg samt alle billederne ubehandlet.

September 14, 2008 · Per

Mariager 2008

(Billeder fra Mariager 2008)[/photos/Opgaver/Mariager%202008/index.html] ligger nu her på serveren. Der er primært billeder fra et par koncerter, men også lidt andet billedemateriale. Hvis du gerne vil bruge billederne, så send venligst en mail først. Sættet med sange (og en del andre) som blev brugt de fleste aftener ligger også tilgængeligt i Worship Assistant format. Hvis du ikke allerede bruger Worship Assistant kan du downloade en demo udgave til PC (kan også køre under Linux under f....

July 27, 2008 · Per

Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8

Not many other lenses seems to generate as many heated discussions at sites like and as the Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8. It is relatively expensive, and most people buying it rightly has high expectations for this Nikon top-of-the-line pro-grade fixed f/2.8 standard DX zoom. Let me say initially that I find it to be a very good lens, capable of rendering sharp, high-quality images, with beautiful color rendition and high contrast....

November 23, 2007 · Per

A silent NSLU2

This page is a terse description of what I did to get my NSLU2 box to run samba, ntp, nfs and firefly (mt-daapd) stable and silently (i.e. with disk spin down). An out-of-the-box NSLU2 with the Linksys software appears to work well with my WD My Book Essential 500 GB. It spins down nicely. But… It does not support ntp, nor will it run firefly. So I installed the uNSLUng 6....

October 31, 2007 · Per

The making of a front-page candidate

The picture above illustrates the theme “Pass It On!”. Click on it to see a larger version. I had this idea of a relay race, with a dad passing on the baton to his son — only in this case, the baton would actually be a Bible. First problem to overcome was to find a course with clear track marks, to show clearly what is going on even with a tight crop....

September 8, 2007 · Per

Rainy days…

So June ended up being the wettest month ever recorded in history. 150mm rain appeared around here, and most of this fell in the later part of the month — and probably half of it in one or two rather wet days. However, rain is not bad for photography, and often gives nice photo opportunities, if one resists the temptation to stay inside. Here is one shot, done with the 105mm f/2....

July 3, 2007 · Per

Improving your photos

Making good images consistently obviously involves mastering many technical and artistic elements of photography. Nevertheless, sometimes applying a few principles can improve your photos a long way. Here are some simple hints and links that can help you handling some of the compositional issues. Read the links — I’m just summarizing the hints on this page: Nikonians First, at the Nikonians Composition 101, the following “tricks” are listed Center is not better Step closer Switch perspective Leave lead room Take three shots Next, on the same site, for landscape work, the following list is mentioned:...

May 22, 2007 · Per

Macro shot or Danish Palm Trees…

… ok, in case you don’t know: There aren’t terribly many palm trees living natively in Denmark, and this is probably as close as you get to such a thing — with “close” here of course having a subtle dual-meaning, since it is a macro shot 😉 It may be a slightly unusual macro shot, but it is depicting a leaf on an oak tree in our garden, just about to unfold, with the setting sun in the background....

May 11, 2007 · Per